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- BS IBE (Industrial Engr)
- BS Business and Economics (Finance)
- BS IBE (Industrial and Systems Engr)
- BS Business and Economics (Finance)
- BS IBE (Civil Engr)
- BS Civil Engineering
- BS IBE (Info & Syst Engr)
- BS Information and Systems Engineering
- BS IBE (Industrial Engr)
- BS Industrial Engineering
- BS IBE (Civil Engr)
- BS Civil Engineering
- MS Industrial Engineering
- BS IBE (Electrical Engr)
- BS Electrical Engineering
- MS Electrical Engineering
- BS IBE (Financial Engr)
- BS Business and Economics (Finance)
- BS IBE (Industrial Engr)
- BS Business and Economics (Finance)
- BS IBE (Industrial Engr)
- MS Management Science
- BS IBE (Finance)
- BS Industrial Engineering
- BS IBE (Industrial and Systems Engr)
- BS IBE (Chemical Engr)
- BS Chemical Engineering
- BS IBE (Management)
- BS Chemical Engineering
- BS IBE (Mechanical Engr)
- ME Mechanical Engineering
- BS IBE (Computer Sci & Engr)
- BS Computer Science
- BS IBE (Electrical Engr)
- MS Analytical Finance
- BS IBE (Computer Sci & Engr)
- MSE (OR & Fin Engr) (Princeton University)